Ice Walker

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Info:Ice Walker is my first-ever java game, a puzzle game with 70 levels.

How to Play: You control the Ice Walker, a mage who must freeze every corner of these dungeons to kill the undead borrowed there. You must walk around the halls, making sure no space is left unfrozen or un-occupied by other objects.

Arrow Keys: move around
X: Reset the current level
Z/C: Go to the previous or next level
S/D: Jump back or ahead ten levels

Stuff you'll see:
Wall Wall: You cannot walk through these.
Ice Ice: You leave ice behind as you walk. Think of it as a wall: you cannot go through it.
Block Blocks: You can push these around. If a block is occupying a space, you don't have to freeze it.
LockKey Keys and Locks: You can collect keys to open locks.
Sign Signs: if you're in a particularly tricky level, signs may give you the hint you need.

These are just a few of the many objects you will interact with. The first ten levels are tutorials on how to use them. Good luck!